Introducing: A Wild Ride to Self Love with OSHO

$7.99 paperback on Amazon
Coming on the heels of Netflix’s documentary, “Wild Wild Country”, my book “A Wild Ride to Self Love with Osho” will show another side to the story, which I personally experienced. This series has gained world -wide attention detailing one of the most incredible episodes in American history, when Osho and 3,000 disciples descended upon a remote piece of land in Central Oregon to build a Utopian City, 36 years ago. This story was laid to rest and forgotten after Bhagwan was deported….. until now..
I was with Bhagwan from 1981 to 1985 in India and Oregon and it was one of the most exciting and transformative experiences of my life.
Giving up a successful career as a costume coordinator for movies and TV in Hollywood and a strong Buddhist practice where I was celibate for 13 years, I followed my heart (and my hungry undernourished libido) and jumped on board the Bhagwan train to India to be with my spiritual master forever. This was after reading his book, “Hammer on the Rock”, referred to me by my therapist who worried that I was desperately in need of a different kind of stimulation, other than chanting. I was so excited, knowing my life was about to change radically.
But, I arrived 2 days too late as Bhagwan had gone into quarantine because of a chicken pox outbreak. When he finally emerged a month later for our first satsang (musical meditation), he was in permanent silence. No more discourses, no more darshans or personal energy transmissions were to be given. I felt betrayed, but I stayed, thinking maybe he would change his mind. And he did, he decided to move to America pulling the rug right out from under me. So there I was: betrayed by my beloved master again.
What did I do? I went back to America, of course, and put myself on a bus to his ranch in Oregon called Rajneeshpuram. I was there to help build Osho’s dream: a Utopian city of communal love. They put me to work and my first job was as a gas station attendant, and then a truck driver and then a house cleaner: all skills I had little or no experience or training in. Like so many others who were professionals and college grads, some with PhD’s, we did whatever it took to be with Him.
What happened next has been well documented in the new Netflix series “Wild Wild Country”. Most of us knew little of what legal battles were being waged between Bhagwan’s secretary Ma Anand Sheela and the townspeople of Antelope, the supervisor of Wasco County and Oregon politicians who were trying to subvert all our efforts to become a legal city. They wanted us out. And it went further than that: DRUNK with power because Bhagwan was in permanent silence, Sheela cooked up one illegal scheme after another to fool the politicians and win little skirmishes (including a bio terror attack in Klamath Falls), which eventually resulted in her arrest and Bhagwan’s deportation and the dissolution of our beautiful dream.
But my book is more about everyday life in the commune and my living in an alternate state of bliss and victimhood. Bliss: to be so close to Bhagwan along with my loving friends and doing something extraordinary like helping to build a world class utopian city and Victimhood: my constant wound which led me into a dark hole that became my catalyst for transformation.
PURCHASE “A Wild Ride To Self Love With OSHO”
“Yamini Redewell presents a fun and enlightening read in which she reveals the truth about Osho based on her own experience as a seeker who embraced the sannyasin life. Readers will learn a lot about what life was really like beyond the public’s eye at the Ranch. This book is not only informative; it’s a delight!” – Randy Peyser – Author: One Stop Inc.
“Men are not from Mars and Women are not from Venus. In fact, men and women are both from right here as in Planet Earth. But that does not mean we understand each other. In order for me as a man to understand women, I simply need women to be open and loving and vulnerable. Yamini is that kind of woman for me. She is funny and alive and bright as you will certainly find out when you read her words. I loved her book as I could see myself in her life… like looking into a mirror. My feeling is when Yamini dropped her conditioning as a woman and as an American and entered her true self, I could also see myself. Thank you Yamini for your presence, it is a present from you to me.” – Love is, Krishna Prem – Author – Gee You Are You –
“I enjoyed reading your book with all your experiences, which would make a most interesting movie.” – Dhanyam and Avinasho of Osho Viha
“All I can say is wow! To think that “A Wild Ride to Self Love with OSHO” was a true story of Yamini’s life is not only mind blowing but awe inspiring. I couldn’t break away from it and was hooked from her first word to her last. I was honored to get a first glimpse at it and I encourage everyone to jump into her world and share this amazing experience.” – Terri Negron – Web Designer, Graphic Artist
“That was so fascinating Yamini! I couldn’t stop reading. Grateful to have read your account of what really happened.” – Rama Gifford – Massage Therapist
“This is a page turner! I couldn’t put it down and I review a lot of books. This stands out not only because of Yamini’s insightful and delightfully humorous writing style but the subject matter is beyond fascinating. Really solid writing and what a great true story!” – Jill Lublin – International Speaker and 4x Best Seller Author
“After reading this incredible story of a slice of Yamini’s life in Osho’s commune, I have a new respect for her and for people like her who have chosen to take chances, follow their heart and live outside the box. Well done, Yamini. Here’s to your first Best Seller e-book!” – Geoff Affleck – Facilitator of “Bestseller E-Book Bootcamp”